Sunday, 30 March 2014

Shop Sessions have lift off. Hayley Strangelove & Jonathan Tarplee Live

To say we've been excited about the start of the Shop Sessions is a massive understatement. I wasn't sure whether it was excitement or age related incontinence that made me want to wet myself (really hoping it was the former). Anyway not sure you needed to know that.... so oh yeah that was it, excited!!!!

Why so excited? I'll tell you why... We had two superb artists coming to play live original music in our little family run bike shop. The artists who had the first Shop Session sold out in 2 days were Hayley Strangelove, a wonderful powerhouse of a voice who writes personal emotion filled songs and Jonathan Tarplee, a great guitar technician who also pens interesting and creative lyrics that draw you in and make you pay attention.

So after making sure the audience was rhythmically capable with a little foot stomp clappy action Hayley Strangelove was introduced...

You can't help but get on Hayley's side straight away, she has such a playful way with the audience and after announcing she had a new album coming out in a couple of weeks it was straight into 'Dig a little deeper' a track off the new album. Straight away we were into foot tapping, head nodding territory. I know I was enjoying it and I had a good look around and everybody seemed to have just as big a grin as me. Part way through the first half set Hayley did a tongue in cheek Kate Bush style song called 'Mummy's Little Darling' showing a great theatrical side to her performing, just brilliant.
The penultimate song of the first half for Hayley was a brand new (the ink still drying) tune which Hayley wanted to air and what a tune it was. Hayley really does have songs running through her with heartfelt personal lyrics, it was definitely a winner!! Hayley kicked off the 2nd half of the evening where she left off with everybody moving along with the music and feeling the power of her voice. I have had so much feedback since the night on how blown away everyone was by the power of Hayley's voice & I have to say I felt exactly the same the first time I saw Hayley live. Simply wonderful. My favourite song from Hayley's set was ' Stay a while' which showed all the different textures to Hayley's voice the soft and hard and you can check it out by using the link below. So I know you're gutted you missed this if you weren't here but fear not Hayley is back as half of the duo Baxter which pairs her with the equally amazing vocals of Paul Senior in July so make sure you get yourself a ticket, you'd be mad not to.

Vid Link
Jonathan Tarplee was this months featured artist and what a marvellous contrast Jonathan's style made a much softer voice with mesmerizing guitar skills. It worked perfectly. After announcing that he was just about to start work on a new album Jonathan went into a beautiful intro to a song called 'Galleries' a lovely melodic song that captivates you with the intricacies of the guitar work and heartfelt vocals. As somebody who wrestles with a guitar it was great to see a technician at work. Jonathan has great feel and dynamics throughout his songs and his relaxed conversation between tunes just makes you want to keep listening. Part way through his first half set Jonathan had everybody joining in with an infectious song that makes you want to sway & sing along called 'Big Low Copper Moon'. You can check it out with the video link below. Jonathan continued the first half on a song that judging from the response I've had since the gig blew everyone away. It was a cover of 'Romeo & Juliet' by Dire Straits and what a great cover it was. The first half came to a close with a cover of a Mamas & The Papas song called 'California Earthquake' which I had not heard before... what a tune & what a way to finish the first half with some riffy string bending awesomeness... 
After threatening to start his 2nd half set by playing the whole works of Kraftwerk because we were in a bike shop he actually went into an impromptu version of 'These boots are made for walking' but changed the lyrics to 'These bikes are made for riding' which cracked everyone up..genius!! This was followed by a new song that was as yet untitled which just reinforced that this was a great night for new original music. A wonderful night was brought to an end with Hayley joining Jonathan up front to finish with a real crowd pleaser taken from an EP that Jonathan has made with his band The Blue Yellows. The song was 'No Tobacco, No Jesus' which had Hayley clapping and singing along with Jonathan while the audience were back in foot tappy, head bobbing mode, a great end to the night... After such a superb night we couldn't leave without an encore and Jonathan duly obliged.
You really need to go check out Jonathan solo or with The Blue Yellows you will have a wonderful night

Vid Links

Charlotte's Pick Of The Night Vid
Well what can I say the first Shop Session was an unmitigated success and that was down to the two wonderful artists from the night so we would really like to thank Hayley Strangelove and the Featured artist for the night Jonathan Tarplee two absolute stars.
To find out who is playing the next Shop Session and contact details go to
For everything Hayley Strangelove
To find out where you can watch Jonathan Tarplee solo or with The Blue Yellows just follow the blue yellow brick road...

Monday, 24 March 2014

Are You Experienced Stockport.... Blues to the bone Spider Mike King & Angelo Palladino

So it was Friday night all I had to do was get to Stockport from Sandbach in the remnants of the mad Friday rush... I crashed into the wonderful little musical oasis that is Barista CafĂ© Bar Stockport with camera in hand at 8pm. No worries Angelo Palladino was mid sound check so I quickly grabbed one of the lovely Cappuccino's from the designated Barista and got myself settled. You're always close in this venue even at the back but I made sure there was enough space between me and the stage so the camera didn't end up poking the artists in the eye when I pointed it at them. I really like these intimate gigs you can feel every inch of energy and emotion from whoever is in front of you.

Spider Mike King took to the stage first and settled into the chair which was front & center. I've heard Spider Mike played on the Roots & Fusion radio show and loved what I'd heard. So I was looking forward to hearing this & my eagerness was increased as Spider Mike explained he was going to try some new material for us which was the reason for a few notes in front. I always love when artists try new stuff because you can see them feel their way around finding how the new stuff fits them, it's almost like seeing the finishing touches to the songwriting process, the final little tweaks if you will, a great honour to see the final push from page to performance. Now if I'm going to watch someone play blues it's got to be believable, so not some snotty nosed kid telling me how hard they've worked and how they've payed their dues but as Spider Mike headed into his first couple of songs I was with him enjoying the story telling and part of this was because he had a demeanour that said I've been around & I've got stories to tell. It's always a good sign when the foot starts tapping before I've even realised & I was moving and enjoying every guitar strum right the way through the set. Strangely enough one of the songs that really grabbed me was Serenity which definitely has a more mainstream feel so I was pretty shocked how much I enjoyed it as it's normally the out and out bluesy stuff that floats my boat. Serenity just showed that Spider Mike definitely has more strings to his guitar(or bow if you like). To finish a great start to the night it was back into a blues number with some great fretboard fireworks.

Video Link
So where do you go from such a good start...
There's two things that struck me when I first had a quick chat with Angelo Palladino.. First the dudes older than me so that makes him at least 22 and the other is he's infectious, I just felt like everything was going to be amazing, he just gives off good vibes and excitement. He took to the stage like there was no other space in the room that would fit him. He looked right at home with his array of guitars and amps behind and a big grin up front. He kicked off with Nighthawk a wonderful bluesy riffin tune accompanied by blues harp and one of my favourite tunes from Rick Stuarts Roots & Fusion shows of the past few months. I was fixated with Angelo's performance it's as if he's possessed by the spirit of the blues, it seems to take over his very essence the music being summoned from deep within, you can read it on his face, feel it in his voice and then watch it embrace his whole body. During the first couple of songs I kept looking down at his feet to see where his pedals were, there was nothing there but my ears were hearing what sounded like a change of effect? He was making his guitar sing with different voices by the way he was stroking, strumming, hitting the guitar it was wonderful.  You can probably tell by now I was loving this. It was taking all my energy not to get up and dance for fear of annoying those sat behind me. You just want to move, it's like being under the spell of the Pied Piper, your body is gonna do whatever the music tells it to. I was a foot stomping head nodding puppet throughout. One of the many standout tunes was Angelo's take on the Leadbelly song 'Where did you sleep last night' [this is the song that whenever you try and explain it to people they always say 'Oh you mean the Nirvana song'.. No I don't I mean the f****** Leadbelly song ok!! ;-)] I absolutely love the original and it was great to hear Angelo put his stamp on it. I was trying to figure out how to answer the question 'well who does he sound like' that you're always asked when you're trying to get someone else to listen to them. Firstly he sounds like Angelo Palladino which should be enough but if pushed I keep coming up with a mix of Keith Richards, Robert Cray & Howlin Wolf or maybe I should just say 'go and see him and make up your own mind he will blow you away'.  
So people go and see Angelo Palladino he will blow you away.......
Video Link

Finally if you see the names of Spider Mike King or Angelo Palladino on a gig flyer or advert it means your in for one kick ass night so get yourself down there.
Big thanks to Spider Mike King , Angelo Palladino, Rick Stuart (Roots & Fusion) & Phil for doing mystical things to make sure the right magical spell is cast...
You can find everything Spider Mike King here (go buy stuff people)..
I recommend The Blood River Sessions Vol 1 which I've been enjoying since the gig :)
For a serious dose of Angelo Palladino head here (warning you may never recover)
Angelo is normally carrying 2 CDs around with him.. The Knucklebones EP & Blood, Blues + Bad Dreams Album both are wonderful make sure you get your copy when you go see him
To find out what is happening on the mighty fine Roots & Fusion radio show...
You can also listen to past Roots & Fusion shows on mixcloud for musical wonderment

Thursday, 6 March 2014

Sumptuous Southern Comfort.. Hannah Aldridge live a Grateful Fred event

I've been mad busy the last few weeks and didn't think I was going to make it to any gigs this month but my wonderful wife convinced me it was worth travelling to Southport to go and relax for the evening. So as I didn't think I was going to make it I hadn't really checked the people playing at this Grateful Fred night, I was flying blind, it was going to be a night of discovery.....

Getting over to The Atkinson was a big rush which means I didn't have time to go pick up my camera so unfortunately only got a few pics and 1 vid that's watchable but the important thing was I got myself settled in before Grateful Fred hit the stage.

The ever dependable Fred's started the night off. I'm really enjoying watching them start these evenings they always seem to be having fun with plenty of playful banter between themselves and the audience which always leaves me settled and relaxed. So a cool start..

Grateful Fred Band in full flow

The support for the evening was The Goat Roper Rodeo Band(I know what a top name). I'm always a bit dubious when a band is described as Country because it's 50/50 whether I'm going to enjoy it. As the band started I was thinking I'm not supposed to like this it is definitely not music that I normally listen to, but I looked down and there it was.. my foot tapping away and what's this on my face a grin?? Oh no my head's starting to nod.. it was too late they had me. I can't quite put my finger on it maybe it was the energy maybe it was the harmonies or maybe it was the mesmerising runs of Jim the lead guitar player but they had me. I totally enjoyed watching, listening and moving to The Goat Roper Rodeo Band(I just had to type it again, the name is ace) especially when they headed towards the blues. Having the musical door opened a little wider is always cool and I've just pushed mine a little further open to let this Country Blues sound come in and sit down alongside all the other great music I like listening to. In case you were wondering I thought they were ace & I raced down at the end of the night to grab myself a CD. I thought this was worth racing up the M6 for & then wondered what Hannah Aldridge was going to be like???

The Goat Roper Rodeo Band

Like I said this was going to be an evening of discovery I hadn't heard any Hannah Aldridge before but my ears pricked up as soon as Hannah announced she hailed from Muscle Shoals. I love that Southern States sound so my expectations were high.. As soon as the first notes came out of Hannah's mouth I knew this was going to be great. The wonderful Southern drawl melting the words so they eased effortlessly into your ears. It really is one of the coolest sounds on the planet and as 'You Ain't Worth The Fight' hit home I was hooked. Now I know the way I have described the sound up until now might have you thinking that the sound was laid back and easy listening but the wonderful thing was that Hannah's voice has a real punch delivering emotion and feeling right into your gut when required, it's a great contrast and really works well. As the set progressed you could see how at home Hannah felt on stage passing on anecdotes and backgrounds to the songs making them feel even more real. We even got an impromptu lesson on the use of 'Y'all' but to be honest it doesn't matter how much we try it's never gonna sound as cool coming from a room that would normally say 'Yous' ;].
My night was made complete when Hannah delivered 'Howlin' Bones' a totally gritty southern bluesy masterclass simply sublime. The night was made even more special because we could actually buy the CD which has not been officially released here or in the States yet. Obviously I made sure I got me a copy of that, Y'all should do the same..

Hannah Aldridge video link
(Pic is not great with the lighting but the audio sounds fine)

I can't believe I nearly missed this. Y'all should head out and see Hannah Aldridge live she is totally awesome(Right I'm not gonna try and fit Y'all in again I'll just have to accept the only way I'm going to sound cool is to stand in front of John Paul White and mime ;])

Grateful Fred have done it again... If you've not been to a Grateful Fred event yet get yourself over to Southport next month you won't regret it.

For everything Grateful and Fredish..

To Rope a Goat (Not sure what you do when you've got one???)

Sumptuous Southern Sounds of Hannah Aldridge..