It was easy for us to get excited about the message that was being conveyed by the Song Sisters tour as it aligns perfectly with our search for strong female role models to expose our daughter to as she starts her own journey of artistic discovery.
Now don't tell Fiona & Kal [looks over shoulder to make sure they can't hear me ;)] but I did observe the Songwriting workshop from the sidelines and it was brilliant to see all the ladies totally engaged and immersed in the valuable information that was being imparted. The subject matters covered included Publishing, Recording Contracts, Copyright, Promotion, Song Structures...
It was also really interesting to hear the backgrounds and journeys of Stephanie O'Brien (who was the guest artist for this particular Song Sisters event) Fiona Bevan and Kal Lavelle. So, an ace start to the day..
Charlotte's Thoughts
"I liked the fact that the workshop was so personal, they asked
for our thoughts & our way of approaching different steps to writing songs
& then helped us improve what we were doing. Also the artists [Fiona, Kal
and Stephanie] all had different musical backgrounds, which was really
interesting. I found the structure section the most helpful and I have
already started looking at different parts of songs and different ways of approaching
writing lyrics. It was AWESOME!!!!!! :-] "
So the theory had been presented what about putting it into practice... We would be able to experience the practical conclusion to the workshop seeing the ladies perform their songwriting gems for us totally unplugged later that evening.
The Shop Session was full (as has become the norm) of eager music loving ears ready to be teased and tantalised... Fiona and Kal started the evening by explaining the reasons behind the tour and delivered the message of encouraging more females into the songwriting side of the music industry before introducing their close friend Stephanie O'Brien who was starting the evenings live music.
Always at the start of the evenings I am awash with nervous thoughts of how will the evening go, will the artists be great, have I set fire to anything ;)............ and right in the middle of one of these internal breakdowns I could hear a Muse calling, relaxing me moving my focus to the front of the room.. It was the beautiful tones of Stephanie O'Brien this was going to be a wonderful night of music, all the signs were there in the first minutes of Stephanie's set.
The first song of the night had enough power and subtlety to highlight the different shades of Stephanie's voice and was a great way to introduce us to this unplugged version of Stephanie O'Brien's music. Looking around the room it seemed everyone was as enchanted as I was with the wisps of sound blowing into our ears. My personal favourite from the night was Crying and Sleeping which you can enjoy by following the link below. This was a wonderful introduction to the sound of Stephanie O'Brien & just proved the confidence she has in her music as normally there would be looping, violins & makeshift megaphones incorporated which we are eager to go and see.
What a great start to the night.......
Crying & Sleeping - Stephanie O'Brien
When we originally put our names forward as a quirky venue for 'an exciting music event' we didn't actually know which artists were involved, and on being sent the names Fiona Bevan & Kal Lavelle I went off to research the music. The first video I played was 'Rebel Without A Cause' by Fiona Bevan which I think had just been released and I have to say I was hooked straight away (if you've not heard it where the bloody hell have you been? go check it out...). So it was very fitting that Fiona opened with that very song burying the musical hook straight into our flesh. There was no escape from Fiona's unique captivating sounds, a smile appears and your bodies moving & before you realise it you're following the music wherever it leads.
Charlotte's Choice
Forwards - Fiona Bevan
I think I said this on twitter a while ago after listening to Fiona's album 'Talk To Strangers' for a week solid.."It's like having happiness whispered into your ears" and it is. Fiona's vibe is infectious you just give in to feeling happy and it's a great place to be. I wish all the gigs I went to left me like that (and the night wasn't over yet...) The Pied Piper effect isn't filtered out by age either Fiona had 12yr olds to... well it would be rude to divulge, let's just say much older people ;) feeling the music. We will be eagerly awaiting the next time we can see Fiona Bevan live I suggest you don't miss it either..
Slo Mo Tiger Glo - Fiona Bevan
So you feel like you're Charlie in the glass elevator, you've already won all the Chocolate what more could there be...... Kal Lavelle comes in and says 'We're not done press the red button we're going through the roof' ( For those that were there I know Kal didn't actually say that and my names not Charlie but gimme a break I'm buzzing like a hamster on speed here and that sometimes leads down a strange verbose path ;]) Anyway where was I? oh yes.... Kal Lavelle
Charlotte's Choice (and mine but she invoked editorial control)
Gypsy Blood - Kal Lavelle
The first thing I noticed with Kal in this cosy setting was how quickly she connected with the audience. Before playing a note Kal's humour and banter had the room on her side. So by the time the first notes of Blue Lagoon were played we were already hanging on Kal's every sound. It was a beautiful way to audibly shake hands with the audience and warmly welcome us into the sound of Kal Lavelle. I was really blown away by the emotion of Kal's delivery, breathing life into the words and giving the songs a real lived in feel (not quite sure what that means reading it back I think what I'm trying to say is it felt real;]). The percussive playing had me transfixed as well, I love seeing somebody beat hell out of the guitar as they drive their emotions through it to make wonderful music and that guitar was going to tell us everything.
In both Fiona and Kal's set they helped each other out with backing vocals to great effect you'd almost think there could be a side project there if they fancied writing an album together the styles seeming the ideal counterpoint for each other. As Kal finished the set it was plain to see we would all be begging for more and what an encore leading the audience in a rendition of the very funky 'Sing' which I can tell you now I was still singing the day after (I even think Kal caught me humming it in the office after everyone had gone.. bit embarrassing). If you haven't seen the intensely amazing Kal Lavelle live then hurry up and do it...
Sing - Kal Lavelle
Should probably say a massive thankyou to Kal for including Gypsy Blood in the set as it has been one of my favourite tracks of the summer go listen it's superb :)
Well I'm not sure if you can tell but we had a fantastic time throughout the day and evening and we totally recommend you rush out (well probably not out just to your computer) and buy the current EP's and albums from Stephanie O'Brien, Fiona Bevan & Kal Lavelle and go see them live people...
For everything Stephanie O'Brien -
EP Leave Your Heart At The Door
For Fiona Bevan music head to -
Album Talk To Strangers
The wonderful world of Kal Lavelle -
EP Shivers
For the next amazing Shop Session checkout..
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